duminică, 17 iunie 2012

Invisible sandals - June 2012 by Crys Jewelry

The hottest new trend in beach attire is to express yourself wearing these handmade beaded foot jewelry anklets which attach around your ankle and then your 2nd toe for an attractive barefoot fashion statement. Safe for use in water (swimming) or even while temporarily wearing regular sandals or shoes. Each purches includes (2) matching pieces, one for each foot.

"Sophisticated" - 45 ron

"Youthful" - 45 ron

"Evening Sunset"- 45 ron

 "Girly Girl" - 22 ron (pentru un singur picior)

 "Beach Blue" - 45 ron

 "Dance Fun" - 45 ron

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Am adaugat anklets-urile create de tine la articolul zilei la noi pe site: Magazine haine online. Sa ne spui daca vrei sa modificam ceva.

Crys Jewelry spunea...

Multumesc! O surpriza foarte placuta. Nu trebuie facuta nicio modificare.